Avondlezing door dr. J. Frieling (Micreos) georganiseerd door de Chemische Kring Zwolle.
Bacteria are all around us. Most of them are good and protect us, but some can cause irritation or infection. Antibiotics do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria and their use can lead to side effects and resistance. This renders them unsuitable for long-term use. As they have been broadly used - often inappropriately - the emergence of antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' is now a global concern. On the other hand, it has become evident that our microbiome, comprising billions of beneficial bacteria, is necessary for our health and should be left intact.
Over the past decade, Micreos has been a pioneer in the field of targeted antibacterial technology set to replace antibiotics. Based on its long-term collaboration with the Swiss Federal Technology Institute, ETH in Zurich, Micreos has developed first-in class proprietary products and technology. Amongst these are products which are currently on the market under the brand name Gladskin (www.gladskin.com). Micreos’ Gladskin products contain the endolysin Staphefekt SA.100. This endolysin selectively kills the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. S. aureus is known to cause or aggravate many skin conditions including eczema, acne and rosacea.
Staphefekt is a recombinant chimeric endolysin. Endolysins are phage derived enzymes that are normally produced at the end of the reproduction cycle of bacteriophages in the bacteria to lyse the bacterial cell wall to allow the newly created phages to leave the host-cell. Staphefekt was created via recombinant technology by combining parts of two naturally occurring endolysins. It is highly specific against S. aureus (both MSSA and MRSA) and unlikely to induce resistance, allowing it to be used as long as needed for chronic conditions like atopic dermatitis.
Under the Phageguard brand (www.phageguard.com) Micreos has also developed FDA-approved food safety products against Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and for the elderly and immuno-compromised.
Curriculum vitae: Personal data:
Name: Johan Frieling, MD, PhD
Birth date: 17-March-1967
1979-1985: V.W.O. Canisius College-Mater Dei, Nijmegen.
1985-1989: Doctoral in Medicine, University of Nijmegen.
1989-1992: M.D., University of Nijmegen.
1999: Ph.D. Medical Sciences, University of Nijmegen. Thesis: “Human interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor and their soluble receptors in health and infectious diseases. In vivo and in vitro studies.” ISBN 90-9013162-0
Professional positions:
March 2016 - present
- Chief Medical Officer at Micreos Human Health, Bilthoven, Netherlands
January 2015 - February 2016
- Head of global Clinical Research at LFB SA, Les Ulis, France
October 2011 - December 2014
- Vice President Clinical Development at LFB USA, Inc. (former GTC Biotherapeutics, Inc. and rEVO Biologics, Inc.), Framingham, MA, USA
Feb 2007 - September 2011
- Founder and Managing Director of Pharmasquire Consultancy B.V., Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
November 2000 - January 2007
- (Senior) Medical Director at Genzyme Europe B.V. Naarden, The Netherlands
March 1995 - October 2000
- Medical Adviser/Drug Safety Officer/ Clinical Research Associate at Bayer B.V. Mijdrecht, The Netherlands
February 1992 - March 1995
- Research fellow at the Department of Surgery, University Hospital Nijmegen, St Radboud
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