Avondlezing door prof.dr. A.J.M. van Wijk georganiseerd door de Chemische Kring Zwolle.
Waterstof als energiedrager
In 1874 schreef Jules Verne in zijn boek “The Mysterious Island” het al: “Ja mijn vrienden, ik ben er van overtuigd dat water op een dag als brandstof zal worden gebruikt en dat waterstof (…) een onuitputtelijke bron van warmte en licht zal vormen!” Hij was een visionair en krijgt het nu toch bij het rechte eind. Maar waarom nu pas, welke rol gaat waterstof spelen in een duurzaam energiesysteem en waar gaan we waterstof dan allemaal voor gebruiken?
Curriculum vitae:Ad van Wijk is part-time professor Future Energy Systems at the TU Delft. He also works for KWR Water Research Institute to develop and implement the research program Energy and Water. And he is appointed “Hydrogen Ambassador” with the “New Energy Coalition” to realize the green hydrogen economy in the Northern Netherlands.
In 1984, van Wijk founded the company Ecofys, which eventually grew into Econcern. Econcern developed many new sustainable energy products, services and projects. Examples include the 120 MW offshore wind farm “Princess Amalia” in the North Sea, several multi-MW solar farms in Spain and a bio-methanol plant in the Netherlands, which is the largest second-generation biomass plant in the world.
Van Wijk received many important awards for excellent entrepreneurship. Amongst others he was Dutch entrepreneur of the year in 2007 and Dutch top-executive in 2008.
Van Wijk was honoured by KWR, by appointing him Honorary Fellow 2018.
At the TU Delft van Wijk will focus on energy systems for the future. More particularly he will do research on hydrogen and fuel cell cars and at the same time will realize “the Green Village’’ (www.thegreenvillage.org).
Van Wijk has written the following books: ‘How to boil an egg’, ‘Welcome to the Green Village’, ‘Our Car as Power Plant’, ‘3D printing with biomaterials’, ‘The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands’ and ‘Solar Power to the People’ (online).
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