Avondlezing door J.G.H. Hermens MSc. georganiseerd door de Chemische Kring Zwolle.
A coating from nature
For almost a century, petrochemical-based monomers like acrylates have been widely used as the basis for coatings, resins, and paints. The development of sustainable alternatives, integrating the principles of green chemistry in starting material, synthesis process, and product function, offers tremendous challenges for science and society. Here, we present alkoxybutenolides as a bio-based alternative for acrylates and the formation of high-performance coatings. Starting from biomass-derived furfural and an environmentally benign photochemical conversion using visible light and oxygen in a flow reactor provides the alkoxybutenolide monomers. This is followed by radical (co)polymerization, which results in coatings with tunable properties for applications on distinct surfaces like glass or plastic. Above all, the performance is comparable to current petrochemical-derived industrial coatings.
Curriculum Vitae:George was born and raised in Groningen, The Netherlands. In 2015, he received his Bachelor Degree under the supervision of Ben Feringa working on the development of photoresponsive compounds that interfere with bacterial communication. In 2018 he received his Master degree. During his Master's, George came back to the Feringa lab for this Master Research project, working on the development of photoswitchable chiral gels. Aside from that he also worked on a second Master project in analytical chemistry at the Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam on the quantification of unknown peroxide mixtures. In 2018, George rejoined the Feringa lab to pursue his PhD, working together with AkzoNobel on the development of biobased coatings.
Expertises: Photochemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Coatings Chemistry, Flow Chemistry
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